
We align ourselves with the highest quality manufacturers in the market. 

Video Equipment

We provide video equipment for many applications, including live production broadcasting or conference room AV systems.

Specializing in production switchers, cameras, projectors, and multi-format routers, our experienced technicians will ensure that your system is designed right.

We have taken a lead in mastering the intricacies and challenges of integrating digital video display equipment. Whether you need to upgrade a simple conference room or design a campus wide digital distribution network, we can help.


Audio Equipment

Great sound is critical in any size meeting space.  Our experience has led us to the best microphones and speakers for your room.  We know how to work with the acoustic challenges every facility faces, and develop sound systems that clearly deliver you to your audience.

We offer fully ADA compliant assisted listening systems (ALS), and use several different technologies including FM, Infra-red, or induction loop.

Clear sound isn’t only for those in your room.   Teleconferencing during meetings should be easy to use and hear.   We know how to design solutions that will improve your phone conferencing experiences.


Control Equipment

When you need a simpler way to operate the equipment in your space, our Control System solutions can be the perfect fit to make the audio and video equipment accessible to everyone.

We have a range of control solutions, from simple keypads to more full featured touch screen controls.

By working with the most tested and reliable manufacturers, we can help you design a control system that will meet the needs of users today while remaining flexible enough to grow as technology evolves over the years.